5 Things to Never Say to Someone Who Has Had a Miscarriage
Perhaps it’s because of back to school, or maybe it’s because of the recent National Rainbow Baby Day, but there has been a significant uptick in the number of articles and blog posts coming out about miscarriages lately. One thing that has been bothering me is the...
Mom-Shaming: Why We Do It and How to Deal with It
Your spouse, family, friends, or even strangers may question how you go about raising your child or children. As a mother, there are many parenting decisions that you will have to make, and there is not a single book out there that addresses everything you may face...
Why Self-Care Is Critical For Entrepreneurs
When some people think of entrepreneurship, they think of lounging poolside at a five-star resort with an open laptop. In reality, starting your own business is countless hours of hard work with little payout at first. When you have a lot of responsibilities and your...
Keep Boredom At Bay When School’s Out
Perhaps you’re reading this when school is out for the summer, or maybe it’s just the weekend and you’re already hearing those dreaded words from the mouths of your kids. There are few phrases that can drive a caregiver as crazy as the phrase “I’m bored.” What can you...
Explore the Depth of Your Identity This Minority Mental Health Month
July is Minority Mental Health Month in the United States. The campaign for 2019 is #DepthOfMyIdentity. In 2008, July was chosen as the Minority Mental Health Awareness Month to bring recognition and understanding to the various mental health struggles experienced by...
Get to Know the Signs This PTSD Awareness Month
June is PTSD Awareness Month. Believe it or not, a common misconception about PTSD is that only veterans are affected by it. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, children and teens can be plagued by it too. What is PTSD, and what are the signs you should...
Spread Love Not Hate This Pride Month
June is Pride Month, and here at Hammond Psychology & Associates, P.A. we believe in spreading love, not hate. With that in mind, we wanted to discuss how to speak to your children about the LGBTQ+ community. First and foremost, avoid judgment Remember that...
Mental Health In The United States By The Numbers
Isn’t it interesting how we can see a post on social media about mental health, and simply overlook how significant it is? Sure, depending on the post, we might feel compelled to share it. However, the majority of us see posts and updates about mental health and idly...
Tips for Overall Mental Wellness This Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and articles typically come out around this time of year about depression, stress, a wide range of other mental disorders, and ending the stigma surrounding mental health. Though it’s important to end the stigma and educate the...
Help Build Youth Self-Esteem This Summer With These Activities
When school gets out, many kids go into isolation. It’s in this isolation where negative self thoughts breed, and youth self-esteem can take a massive hit. This is especially true in the age of social media where everything their friends are doing can be seen online....