Last time on the blog, we shared self-care ideas for kids and teens. In case you missed it, you can check it out here. Today, I’m sharing some important information about self-care for adults. The truth is, it’s not just a trend on social media. It’s a very serious subject that far too many adults dismiss or think is “no big deal.” After all, the number one complaint adults have is that they don’t have time for self-care. The other complaint is that self-care is too expensive. I’m here to tell you that not only is self-care incredibly important, but it doesn’t have to take a lot of time and money. 

Benefits of Self-Care for Adults:

When adults take care of themselves, they enjoy benefits such as:

  • Improved health
  • Emotional stability
  • A better outlook on life 
  • We love ourselves more
  • Joy and happiness increases
  • Anxiety and stress levels are lowered

The number one question you need to ask yourself is – are you being as kind to yourself as you are to others? If not, you need a little self-care as soon as possible. When we are taking care of ourselves, we not only feel better, but we are nicer to those around us. You may notice your relationships start to improve as well because you are approaching them from a more centered and calm place. 

Fast and Frugal Self-Care for Adults

Want to know one of the easiest ways to indulge in self-care when you don’t have much time to spare? Take just 60 seconds to yourself. Even if you have to set a timer on your phone. Take one full minute to re-center yourself before moving on to your next task. You could write a quick gratitude memo to yourself of things you’re grateful for, take several deep breaths, or even just sit quietly with your eyes closed and let your mind wander.


Self-care can also be free. The trick is, it has to be something you like to do. Some examples of free self-care activities include:

  • Visit a free museum or park
  • Go to the library and check out a book, movie or CD
  • Have a dance party
  • Take a walk in nature
  • People watch at the mall
  • Watch the sun as it rises or sets

I covered more ideas for self-care for adults in this video 4 F’s to Your Self-Care over on Facebook. While you’re there, be sure to like Dr. Nekeshia Hammond!

Get more ideas for self-care for adults using the resources below: