When most people think of self-care, they picture overworked adults in dire need of some relaxation, and “me time.” Believe it or not, though, kids need self-care too. Instilling the practice of taking time for themselves while they are young will also aid them in building the habit so they can use it well into adulthood. Since September is National Self-Care Awareness Month, I thought there was no time like the present to share some self-care ideas for kids and teens. 


5 Self-Care Ideas For Kids and Teens

1. Put down the electronic devices and pick up a book – Some kids need time away from their screens to relax and unwind. Games and social media on their electronic devices are built to keep their attention, and too much of it can cause anxiety levels to rise. 

2. Have a dance party – When is the last time you just turned on some music and got silly? And not for Instagram or Facebook? Turn on some fun tunes and just dance a little while. Not only is it great for physical fitness, but it can also help you have more creative ideas. 

3. Make and eat a healthy meal – Taking care of our bodies is critical for self-care. Get in the kitchen and make something really healthy. Of course, depending on age, you might need parental help. Some experts believe that if a child is involved in the act of making a healthy meal, they are more likely to enjoy it. Even ones with extra veggies!

4. Learn to meditate – According to Mindworks, children who practice meditation “tend to develop positive traits such as increased self-control, better attentiveness in class, and more empathy and respect for others. In addition, meditation may help children manage challenging conditions such as stress, depression, ADHD and hyperactivity.”

There are several free guided meditations on YouTube, and there are free apps with them as well such as Insight Timer, Calm, and Dreamy Kid.

5. Practice yoga – Like meditation, yoga is great for stress. It also can significantly help children with breathing, flexibility, digestion, and more.  


Want even more ideas for self-care for kids and teens? Check out these awesome resources: