Mental Health In The United States By The Numbers

Mental Health In The United States By The Numbers

Isn’t it interesting how we can see a post on social media about mental health, and simply overlook how significant it is? Sure, depending on the post, we might feel compelled to share it. However, the majority of us see posts and updates about mental health and idly...
Stop the Stigma of Mental Health

Stop the Stigma of Mental Health

In 1990 the United States Congress established Mental Illness Awareness Week, also known as Mental Health Awareness Week. The idea behind this was to increase awareness of mental illness, and to educate the public about mental health. It takes place the first full...
Mental Health Should Not be a Taboo Subject

Mental Health Should Not be a Taboo Subject

If you met someone who was in a wheelchair and unable to open a door for themselves, would you shame them for it? Most likely you answered no. Why? Because you know it’s not their fault. In fact, you would be more likely to try and assist them if you witnessed...