Why Spring Cleaning is Good for the Mind

Why Spring Cleaning is Good for the Mind

Think for just a moment on the following questions. Answer them with a yes or no: Do you know where your house keys are right now? Do you know where your purse/wallet is? Can you tell me where all of your clean socks are? What about your dirty socks – can you tell me...
Stop Bullying In Its Tracks

Stop Bullying In Its Tracks

One of the saddest issues our kids are being faced with today has nothing to do with math, science, geography or anything else they are “supposed to be” learning in school. Unfortunately, academics is the least of their worries when they step into the walls that are...
This Valentine’s Day Love Yourself

This Valentine’s Day Love Yourself

Around this time of year a plethora of websites, magazines, newspapers and more start touting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Everywhere you look you’re likely seeing messages like “get her the perfect gift,” “show your Valentine you love them with...