Maintaining work-life balance is an ongoing challenge. No, it’s not just you. We all feel like this! With demanding jobs and with busy family lives after we clock out, it can be tough to find harmony. You may want to employ the strategies below to set satisfying boundaries between work and personal time.

Leave Work at Work 

Avoid the temptation to check emails and take work calls once you’re home for the day. Set an “off work” alarm to signal when you shift mindsets. Save non-urgent tasks for the next day.

This is especially important if you work from home! You should have a designated workspace and leave work there when you’re done with your work hours.

Set Communication Expectations

Be clear with managers and colleagues about your availability outside of work hours. Set your boundaries – don’t feel pressured to respond to emails or messages during family time.

Use Your Calendar Wisely

Use calendar blocking to designate work time and personal time. Schedule focus time for big projects. Block out family commitments and self-care activities too, so they aren’t overlooked. 

Take Regular Breaks

Don’t work long hours without coming up for air. Take a midday walk, join colleagues for lunch, or do a quick meditation. Stepping away from your desk recharges you.

Adopt Effective Time Management

Tackle the most critical tasks during your prime productivity hours. Schedule less taxing work later. Always keep the big picture goals in mind to avoid getting bogged down. 

Learn to Disconnect

Make it a habit to truly log off at the end of the workday. Engage in hobbies that limit tech use like reading, crafting, exercising, or spending time with family. Unplug completely while on vacation.

Prioritize Self-Care  

Don’t let personal health and wellbeing fall by the wayside. Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, get adequate sleep, and make time to decompress. You’ll be more productive when caring for yourself.

Perfect the Art of Saying No

Don’t overcommit at work or in your personal life. Evaluate new opportunities based on your schedule and current responsibilities. Decline asks that would throw you off balance.

Small daily efforts to draw boundaries between work and life go a long way. Use these suggestions to find equilibrium that leaves you feeling focused, motivated, fulfilled and rested.

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