When most people think of spring cleaning, they think of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. However this year, I challenge you to think about a different type of spring cleaning.

In this post we’ll discuss mental decluttering for wellness. By doing it for yourself, you can model the importance of it for your children and teenagers, and spread the magic art of letting go of the mental stress that no longer serves you.

Declutter Negative Thoughts and Talk

The first thing you should clean up in your mind is all of those pesky bad thoughts that bring you down. If you are constantly talking badly about yourself or others, your stress levels will be higher, and your self-esteem can plummet.

Instead of waging a mental battle in your mind about whether or not you’re good enough, simply affirm that you are, and repeat it over and over until it sticks. The more you can fill your mind with positive thoughts, the happier you’ll feel.

Declutter Toxic Relationships

I’m guessing you know the exact relationship so I’m referring to. The ones that make your dread being around certain people.

It’s the friend that you get tired of gossiping badly about people with. It’s the mentor that always makes you feel like your career will never be where it should be. It’s the client that talks down to you and makes you question your worth. It’s even the partner that makes you feel unlovable. This spring, give yourself permission to start moving those toxic relationships out of your life. After all, life is too short for all that drama.

Declutter Your Personal Bad Habits

When is the last time you ate something healthy? In fact, can you remember the last time you went for a walk or did some sort of physical activity? Or maybe you just realize that you have one too many glasses of wine or beer after work more often than you should.

Your mind and body deserves the best. Pick one bad habit to eliminate at a time, and start working towards removing it from your life. Those baby steps will slowly but surely build to big changes, and increase your self-esteem and stamina in the long run.

Finally Declutter Your Physical Space

It’s often said that a person with a clean house has a clear head. Believe it or not, having a cluttered physical space can also clutter your mind. It’s hard to think clearly when you’re in a space it feels too busy and disorganized. Spend some time removing items that no longer serve you from your home, and I’m betting but you’ll notice it will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

As you declutter your mental and physical space, be sure to get your kids involved. Encourage them to declutter their own minds and physical spaces as well. As you do this together, you’ll find but you’re not only feel closer to one another, but that you feel better about yourselves and your relationships overall.