Are you putting on your oxygen mask first? That’s the very important question that you need to start asking yourself if you’re feeling burnt out, high levels of anxiety, depression, resentment, and a whole host of other mental health issues.


As parents we often put ourselves last, but taking care of ourselves is just as important for us, if not more important, than taking care of the other members of our family. In this post you’ll find some ideas for self-care and self-love for parents. For the sake of yourself and your family, I hope you’ll start using some if not all of these ideas today.


Ten Simple Ways to Love and Take Care Of Yourself a Little More Each Day


  1. Take a day off


When we’re constantly in a state of go-go-go, eventually we simply run out of fuel. Like a car with no gas, we simply can’t go anymore. If this happens to you often, it’s probably time to take a day off. Whether you use that day to go hiking, take in a show, or ride a ride at your local amusement park, you need to take time for you and recharge your own batteries.


  1. Eat well


What we put into our bodies can have a significant impact on our minds and our emotions. Your best bet to keep your machine (read your body) in good condition, is to fill it with leafy greens, good proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Related: Learn more about how what we eat impacts our mental health.


  1. Get some physical activity in your schedule


There’s nothing like a brisk walk or a bike ride to get the endorphins flowing, and help you feel better about yourself. Any type of physical activity will strengthen your body, and increase your self confidence. And, if you can find a way to go outdoors for your physical activity, you’ll get an even bigger mental and emotional boost.


  1. Have the best night’s rest possible


When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re more likely to eat foods that are bad for us, less likely to work out, and we often fill our bodies with an unnecessary amount of caffeine to keep going. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, try taking a hot shower, and having my cup of chamomile tea. Then, turn off all electronic devices to lay down in a room that is as dark as possible. Aim for a minimum of seven hours of sleep a night for the best results.


  1. Lean on your loved ones


No man is an island, and you shouldn’t seclude yourself from others. Surround yourself with those who love you as frequently as you can. If you’re having difficulties getting along with some of your loved ones, try to resolve those issues as soon as possible to relieve the lingering mental strain that comes with disagreements. Hanging out with people we love does a funny thing – it makes us love ourselves a little bit more because we see our goodness reflected in them.


  1. Take a class or learn a new skill


Whether it’s trying your hand at salsa, painting, learning how to sew, or something completely different, expanding our skill sets improves our self love. Simply knowing how to do something new is empowering.  


  1. Give your wardrobe a makeover


You know how you have that one pair of jeans that you always feel good in? Or you have that blouse or shirt that every time you wear it you get plenty of compliments? You need more of that in your wardrobe! Go through your closet and take out things that don’t fit well, or that make you feel bad about yourself. When we’re wearing something that makes us feel good, we portray more confidence, and then become more confident as a result.


You do not have to spend a fortune. Maybe buy a couple of key pieces that you can combine with some of the things you have now. Bottom line – when you look good, you feel better, and love yourself more.


  1. Treat yourself to something you want


Take some guilt free time to read a romance novel, indulge in a decadent dessert, or even just watch an entire sporting event on television. You spend so much time giving to the members of your family, and doing the things that they want to do. But you can’t forget to take the time to do things you want to do as well. Even something as simple as detouring away from the grocery store to grab a scoop of gelato before continuing your errands can make a world of difference.


  1. Stop the negative self-talk, and create a script of positive self-talk


If you frequently catch yourself talking badly about yourself, take a moment and pause. Intentionally interrupt the thought pattern, and replace whatever that negative thing was with something positive. It may take a while to build the habit, but as you continue working on it, you’ll find yourself flooding your mind with more positive beliefs and pushing out the negative ones.


  1. Limit the negativity in all aspects of your life


For starters, go on a news diet. Yes, you may need to know critical information about things going on in the world around you. However, that doesn’t mean you have to inundate yourself with negativity. It’s no secret that humans mimic the things we see, and the more we consume negativity, the more negative we become. Instead, surround yourself with constructive and happy people, and positive news as often as you can.