As what feels like the shortest summer in recent memory comes to a close, students in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas and many others are already preparing to return to school. You likely are up to your elbows in school supplies and to-do lists, but are there additional things you can do to prepare for the new school year? We say yes! And, we’d like to offer up a few suggestions for you to help you and your children make the grade!


  1. Make a wellness plan for them. Doctor Hammond wrote a fabulous post about this over on her Emotionally Healthy Children site. Check it out here! Looking over it will give you some great tips to keep your children’s minds, bodies and emotions in peak condition.
  2. Start earlier bed times right away. It is normal for parents to allow their children to stay up later than usual during the summers. However, it’s time to get them ready for earlier wake up times and that means earlier bed times. Don’t wait until the night before school starts for this.
  3. Ask your children how they are feeling about the upcoming school year. What apprehensions or general concerns do they have? Even if children aren’t talking about it, many of them feel nervous or scared about new school years, especially if they are going into a new school (i.e. transitioning from elementary to middle or middle to high school). By asking them ahead of time you can discuss their feelings and help them feel a little more at ease about what’s ahead.
  4. Create a system for getting ready in the mornings and after school activities in the evenings. By designing a plan in advance you will be setting your expectations for your children so they know what you want them to do each day. These systems could include things like transportation to and from school, how they will select their outfits for the day, where they will do their homework, what chores they will need to do when they get home, etc…
  5. Double check the school’s dress code and confirm the exact supplies they will need. Yes, stores like Wal-Mart and Target generally have a list given from the school, but double checking that your children have the things they will need never hurt anyone. As for checking the dress code, it’s better to be safe than sorry, or you could risk your child being sent home for non-compliance.
  6. As soon as possible, meet the teachers. If your school has an open house – attend it. The more you can learn about the teachers and their educational strategies, the better prepared you will be for what your children will need for success.

Now, we want to hear from you. What’s your best tip for preparing for the school year? Leave a comment below and tell us about it!