When children exhibit challenging behaviors, it tests parents’ patience and compounds stress. With empathy and consistency, you can guide them to better express their feelings.

We’ve all received that phone call or at least dreaded the possibility of it. Getting a call from the teacher or a note sent home about our children and their behavior. Whether they are bullying classmates, or talking when they are not supposed to be, sometimes we as parents just need a little guidance about what to do.

Here are tips for dealing with behavioral issues with your children:

Stay Calm  

Children pick up on your emotional cues. Yelling or tense body language can escalate the situation. Pause, take some deep breaths and respond with a level tone. Your ability to stay level headed can help defuse any situation and reassure your kids.

Pick Battles Wisely

Not every infraction needs correction. It can be hard, but in some cases you may need to train your brain to overlook minor issues. Focus on safety concerns and repeated problem behaviors. Let the small stuff go to avoid power struggles. Praise good behaviors more than scolding missteps.

Listen Without Judgement

Allow them to share their feelings without criticism. Don’t scold as they open up – simply listen. Understanding where behaviors stem from is often what enables you to address the root causes. 

Set Clear Rules 

Consistency and clearly defined expectations are key with behavior problems. Explain rules about safety, respect, responsibilities, etc. Post reminders. Follow through consistently with fair rewards and consequences.

Find Appropriate Outlets

Pent-up energy and emotions can ignite acting out. Provide safe physical outlets like sports, vigorous play and exercise to help them channel feelings productively. Creative pursuits also teach healthy expression. 

Spend One-on-One Time

Make space for dedicated parent-child time with no distractions. Play together, talk, and participate in hobbies that you share with your children. Strong connections motivate kids to cooperate. They crave your attention, and may be acting out to get that attention – even if it’s bad attention!

Acknowledge Improvement

Note any progress in behavior, no matter how small. 

A simple statement such as “I appreciate how you used your words to tell me you were angry” reinforces positive steps.

Progress takes time, so be sure to mark milestones.

Enlist Professional Help 

For ongoing behavioral struggles, it may be necessary to seek support services like counseling and evaluation through your pediatrician or school. Identifying any underlying issues allows for proper treatment.

With empathy, consistency and professional help when needed, you can guide children through most behavioral challenges in a constructive way. Your support teaches vital emotional skills.

Hammond Psychology and Associates is the go-to resource for residents seeking psychological evaluations from a licensed psychologist in the Tampa Bay area. Click here to learn more about our Psychological Testing services in our Brandon location.