We all deal with negativity in life that can weigh on our mental health. You can clear your mind and boost your outlook with a negativity detox – cutting out the negative patterns and infusing your life with uplifting new habits.

Limit Social Media Time

While social media has benefits, it can also harbor lots of negativity. Limit how much time you spend scrolling to avoid exposure to “doom-scrolling” and comparison traps. Schedule social media-free blocks of time.

Declutter Your Space

Cluttered, messy environments negatively impact your mindset. Do a deep clean of your home. Organize drawers and closets. Get rid of things you no longer need. A tidy space clears mental clutter too.  

Adjust Your Inner Circle

Surround yourself with positive people who uplift you, and distance yourself from those who bring you down. Make connections through volunteering, classes, or other avenues to meet more inspiring people.

Establish a Gratitude Practice 

Focusing on what you’re thankful for counterbalances negativity bias in the brain. Keep a gratitude journal where you jot down blessings. Share what you’re grateful for with loved ones. Write thank you notes.

Limit News Intake

Constant exposure to negative news can heighten anxiety and depression. Stay informed, but set limits on consumption. Avoid screens before bed – opt for a calming activity like reading instead.

Get Active Outside

Spending time in nature and exercising provide a mental boost. Take daily walks, hike on weekends, garden, or try outdoor workouts. Being active outdoors relieves stress.

Practice Mindfulness

Simple mindfulness habits like deep breathing, taking in your surroundings, and doing a body scan meditation help ground you in the present moment. This provides respite from cascading negative thoughts.

Infuse Your Day with Positivity  

Listen to uplifting music and podcasts. Watch funny or inspiring movies. Display encouraging art and photos. Wear clothes that make you feel happy. Do little things throughout your day that spark joy.

With a concerted effort to limit negativity and boost positivity, you can give your mental health an energizing refresh. Use these tips to do a positivity cleanse and set yourself up for brighter days ahead. Your outlook will thank you.

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