The holiday season often brings joy and togetherness but can also lead to increased anxiety and depression. With all the parties, shopping, baking, cleaning and family visits crammed into a few short weeks, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Here are some tips to help you minimize stress and maximize enjoyment this holiday season.

Make Time for Self-Care

With packed schedules and long to-do lists, it’s important not to neglect your own wellbeing. Make time each day to do something just for you – take a bubble bath, go for a walk, read a book or practice some deep breathing. Getting adequate sleep is also key. Turn off electronics an hour before bed and establish a calming pre-bedtime routine. 

Create a Manageable Budget 

The pressure to overspend can create major financial stress. Make a realistic budget for gifts, food, decor etc. and stick to it. Set spending limits with family members and suggest drawing names or secret Santa gift exchanges to ease the shopping burden. Look for creative, inexpensive ways to make gifts and wrap presents.  

Declutter Your Space

Holiday clutter can quickly become overwhelming. Do some periodic pickups around the house and donate or trash unused items. Do big cleaning tasks in small chunks over time rather than all at once. Make sure shared spaces like entryways and living rooms don’t become congested with seasonal décor.

Prioritize Your To-Do List 

Your holiday to-do list can quickly become endless. Pick 2-3 priorities for decorating, baking, shopping and other tasks. Focus your time and energy on crossing those off your list before moving onto less critical tasks. Ask friends and family to pitch in.

Set Realistic Expectations

Pressure to have picture perfect holidays can set you up for disappointment. Instead, focus on meaningful traditions and quality time with loved ones. Don’t sweat the small stuff – so what if the cookies burn or the tree isn’t perfectly decorated? Roll with whatever comes up and have a sense of humor.

Take Time for Yourself

Don’t abandon your healthy routine during the holidays. Make time to work out, go to therapy, spend time on hobbies or just relax with a good book. Say no to optional activities so you don’t overschedule yourself. Listen to your body and take a time out when you start to feel burned out. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help   

You don’t have to do it all alone. Delegate tasks to family and split up responsibilities for parties and family gatherings. Don’t be afraid to admit when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talk to close friends or professionals if you start experiencing depression or anxiety.

With some smart planning and self-care, you can minimize the stress of the holidays. Focus on the people and traditions that bring you joy, rather than striving for perfection. Take time outs when you need them. With a little effort, you can find peace and happiness this season.

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