With peer pressure, and with the media constantly influencing our children, we as parents need to become the best role models we can be. Our teenagers will soon grow up, becoming adults in the world. The question is, how to be a positive role model for your children. It starts with being a good influence on them.

Even though that is not always easy to do, you have to think about what you say and do as everything that comes out of your mouth, and every action you take is being projected to your young ones. Think about how you would feel if they spoke and act the way you do. If that would bother you, it may be time to make some changes.

For example, if you don’t want them drinking, it might not be a good idea to drink excessively in front of them. Another example is if you’re telling them drugs are bad, but you see nothing wrong with occasionally smoking weed, you can’t be surprised when they too are curious about it. In other words, be prepared to practice what you preach. 

Additional ways to be a positive role model for your children include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Join positive groups in your community – this can mean your church group, networking groups, or even neighborhood block parties. The important thing is that you show your children the importance of getting out and engaging with others rather than sitting at home alone. Of course, this is easier when there’s not a pandemic causing us all to be afraid to hang out with others, but even then you can be a part of groups online and tell your children about them.
  • Set goals for yourself and work towards them – it’s okay if they see the missteps. The main point is to show your children that you are working towards something and putting the effort in that is required to achieve it.
  • Try to maintain positive relationships –  let them witness your happy interactions. If you show your children it’s okay to be taken advantage of, talked down to, treated poorly, etc… they will learn that as acceptable behavior.
  • Volunteer your time – take your kids with you when you can. You can also donate your goods when possible to show your children the importance of helping out the community when you have excess.
  • Treat your children with respect and love – Even though our kids can drive us crazy, it’s important that we give hugs, show love, and treat them well so they understand how to properly treat their loved ones. This goes along with treating others as you want to be treated.

It can be difficult at times to be a positive role model, and there will be times you will have to actively work at it. However, we must always remember that children are constantly learning from watching us. Therefore, if we want to raise them to act and speak the way we’d like them to, we must first act and speak that way ourselves.

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