When school gets out, many kids go into isolation. It’s in this isolation where negative self thoughts breed, and youth self-esteem can take a massive hit.

This is especially true in the age of social media where everything their friends are doing can be seen online. Fear of missing out is real, and it can hurt that much more when you’re not invited but see everyone having fun without you.

With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to offer some ideas for helping to build youth self-esteem this summer. The truth is, every single child is a unique and wonderful gift to this world. It’s high time they start seeing themselves as amazing as their parents do!

Activities to Build Youth Self-Esteem

  1. Get them moving with extracurricular activities

Put your child in a sports activity, or some group activity that will get their blood pumping. As they move their bodies, not only will they get better at hand-eye coordination, they will feel better about themselves.

The sense of community that comes with doing something physical with one’s peers, can help them to feel like they are not alone. It also helps them to get physically fit, which is a natural self-esteem booster.

  1. Encourage them to get a job

There are few things that build up youth self-esteem quite like earning their own money. In fact, if they can create a big goal to put the money they earn over the summer towards, it will boost their self worth that much more. Why? Working towards something, and watching it come to fruition, gives young people a sense of satisfaction that is simply priceless.

  1. Have them do community service or volunteer work

Not only can these activities help them qualify for scholarships if they log their hours, as a child does volunteer work, they will see their community in a whole new light. They’ll realize that they are part of something bigger than themselves, and that working with others can create big changes and move mountains.

In all likelihood, they will also be given duties and responsibilities that empower and motivate them to work harder in their work. They can then take these skills, and all the good feelings that come along with them, into their coming years to have an edge for things like college and job applications.

  1. Put them to work at home

From helping with the chores, to cooking in the kitchen – the more activities you can teach your child to do, the better. As they learn new things, they will gain a sense of independence, which can work wonders for youth self-esteem.  

As they perform their tasks, be sure to compliment them on a job well done. If they help with cooking and it doesn’t turn out as good as they hoped, help them to learn from their mistakes. Let them know that sometimes recipes go bad, but that we can always try again.

Additional Ideas for Building Youth Self-Esteem

  • Allow your child to explore with fashion – let them see what they like and don’t like
  • Let them play with makeup – of course, you’ll have to decide when this is age appropriate
  • Enroll them in summer camp
  • Encourage them to take on responsibilities at church or in their youth groups
  • Give them crafts, DIY and other projects to do
  • Have them pack for any summer vacations you have planned
  • Talk to them about their feelings and listen to what they have to say

With any luck, you will watch your child flourish and grow this summer. Love them unconditionally, encourage their interests, and let them know that you are there for them. Here’s to building youth self-esteem not just now, but well into their adulthood!