It goes without saying that right now, we’re living in unprecedented times. If you had told me at the beginning of the year, that come March schools would be closed and I would take on additional roles of full-time cook, cleaner, tutor, entertainment host, bed and breakfast owner, and more, I might not have believed it. This on top of my roles of mother, wife, and psychologist – it’s a lot. Odds are, you’re in the same boat, and my advice might surprise you. Quit trying to do it all during the pandemic. 


Consider this your permission slip to do the following for the sake of your mental and emotional health:


  • Stop cleaning everything, every day
    • Unless this brings you joy, it’s okay to let the dishes go tonight and leave the beds unmade for a day or two
  • Accept that you are not a teacher and you don’t have all the answers
    • Many of us are helping our children with virtual learning since schools are closed, but we don’t have to stress if we can’t help with everything. It’s okay if you need to Google something, cheat with YouTube, or even private message the teacher
  • Give your children a little more screen time so you can have a moment to yourself
    • You may not be able to have a full hour “off,” but you’re entitled to a few minutes to recharge your batteries
  • Make something incredibly simple like a PB&J for dinner
    • Most of us are not gourmet chefs, and being forced to stay home doesn’t change that. As long as you and your children are fed, it doesn’t have to be fancy
  • Take shifts with your partner/spouse
    • If you are living with someone, they should be helping in the parenting duties
  • Have older kids help more
    • From chores to helping with the cooking, bigger kids can take on some of the workload
  • Allow your kids to be in charge of their own entertainment for a while
    • Just because Suzie down the street is posting Pinterest worthy projects doesn’t mean you have to feel guilty that your kid is happy with playdough
  • Let go of the guilt
    • We’re all struggling right now, and no one is perfect. I know you’re doing the best you can with the current circumstances, so give yourself some grace and compassion


We will get through this. I know right now things are hard, but better days are ahead. Just take things one day at a time. And, if a day feels too hard, take it one hour at a time. As long as we come out of this safe and healthy, that’s what matters most.