General, Parenting, Wellness
Essential fatty acids and amino acids are currently a hot topic and source of much research for brain function and heart health. Many complementary health care providers suggest adding or replenishing the diet with Omega-3 Fatty Acids like EPA and DHA for patients...
Education and learning, General, Parenting
One of the biggest reasons children struggle with learning is that they are bored. This typically happens because the lessons are too complex for them to comprehend, and so their mind wanders elsewhere. In other cases, they feel overwhelmed and don’t want to sit...
Education and learning, General, Parenting
What do family game night and verbal SAT, GRE, and IQ score-improving studies have in common? How about parents inconspicuously sneaking education into their kids’ fun? Students can start learning the parts of speech, English as a second language, and bigger words...
Education and learning, General, Parenting
Out of all the types of media available for adults and children alike, there is still nothing out there that can even come close in comparison to the value of reading books. Books are still the greatest source available for facts as well as creative and imaginative...