Education and learning, General, Parenting
One of the saddest issues our kids are being faced with today has nothing to do with math, science, geography or anything else they are “supposed to be” learning in school. Unfortunately, academics is the least of their worries when they step into the walls that are...
General, Parenting, Uncategorized
When it comes to the ones we love, it seems like the conflicts we have with them are the hardest to heal. It’s so easy to write off bad friendships, walk away from rude situations, and even delete people on social media. However, with family members, it’s...
Education and learning, General, Giving back to the community, Parenting, Updates and news
Dr. Hammond had the pleasure of presenting the keynote speech at the October 27, 2016 mental health event presented by Sanctuary House, Mental Health Association in Greensboro, NAMI Guilford, and Greensboro Day School. The event was held in Greensboro, North...