Tips for Teaching A Child To Apologize

Tips for Teaching A Child To Apologize

It can be difficult to teach a child how to apologize. Many kids are not very good at saying that they are sorry, and the reason for this is they might not yet understand the concept of it. The following are some strategies that you can use to try and teach them how...
How To Cope With Pet Peeves

How To Cope With Pet Peeves

Pet peeves. Each one can be considered innocuous on the surface, hardly getting a second glance by some people. Yet, by others, the same act can be enough to stir some intense reactions. Everybody has at least one pet peeve. Below is some advice on how to manage these...
Teaching Children How To Have A Positive Work Ethic

Teaching Children How To Have A Positive Work Ethic

Even from a young age, working for what we receive is a crucial part of a child’s life. From the second they walk through the doors of their nursery or kindergarten, the importance of getting work done is impressed upon them. Then, as they continue to progress through...
Handling Nightmares After a Traumatic Experience

Handling Nightmares After a Traumatic Experience

Following a traumatic experience, it may be difficult to get a decent night’s sleep as distressing thoughts, and intrusive images that have yet to be processed can keep the mind on high alert throughout both the day and night. There are several ways to help...
How To Reduce Stress and Anger

How To Reduce Stress and Anger

Stress and anger can seem impossible to deal with when they are present. People often have a hard time coming up with solutions while they are in the midst of that emotional turmoil. The best solution is to be armed with strategies before stress and anger even occur...