
Getting Real About What Happens Postpartum

The image above is making the rounds on the internet right now. In fact, it's virality shocked no one more than the woman who shared it and that woman is Danielle Haines. Since Danielle posted the image on her facebook page the image has been shared more than 20,000...

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How to have a healthy marriage – part 2

Recently we posted part 1 of our tips on How to Have a Healthy Marriage. If you missed that post click here and read it now! Basically, the main thing we learned in the last post is how important communication is to a healthy marriage. Let's continue the conversation...

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How to have a healthy marriage – Part 1

According to the American Psychological Association “40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.” With the odds of your marriage succeeding or failing effectively having a 50-50 chance,...

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Improving your child’s social skills

For some children, interacting in a social setting comes naturally. For other children, however, knowing how to engage and intermingle with those around them is more difficult to handle. If your children are having difficulty in social settings, here are a few ideas...

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Positive Co-parenting with your Ex

If you have children and have divorced/ separated from your spouse/partner you must now decide how to co-parent your children. The idea of doing this with a positive attitude may feel next to impossible, but for the sake of your children it is time to step up and be...

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Managing Childhood Anxiety

  Anxiety is a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks. For many people feelings of anxiety are fleeting, but for others anxiety is a constant state that can get so...

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How to Bully-Proof Your Children

With our kids heading back to school this month one topic on the minds of many parents is bullying. No one wants to think about their child being bullied, but alas it is a reality we must prepare our children for. Here are a few things you can do to bully-proof your...

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Finding a Balance in Parenting

For most people parenting is a full time job, but I would caution you to make sure that you find a healthy balance in taking care of your kids and taking care of yourself. There is a saying that “You can’t give from an empty cup” and too often parents sacrifice...

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