
Encouraging Your Kids to Have Gratitude

Encouraging Your Kids to Have Gratitude

We're back with another sneak peek at Doctor Hammond’s soon to be titled book on raising emotionally healthy children. Today, we're discussing the importance of encouraging your kids to have gratitude. Let's dive right in! Gratitude plays a major role in an adult’s...

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Praise vs. Punishment

Praise vs. Punishment

In this week's sneak peek at Doctor Hammond's upcoming book we're chatting about a hot button issue that gets some parents and caregivers riled up – Praise vs. punishment. What is best for children to get them to behave the way we want and/or need them to? Let's dive...

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Self-Esteem Boosters for Children

Self-Esteem Boosters for Children

Welcome back to our sneak peeks at Doctor Hammond’s soon to be titled book on raising emotionally healthy children. This week we're discussing another critical element for the emotional and mental health of kids – self-esteem. With things like cyber bullying, face to...

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Video Game Addiction

Video Game Addiction

We're back with another sneak peek at Doctor Hammond’s soon to be titled book on raising emotionally healthy children. This week we're talking video games and addiction. Controversial to some, nonsense to others and yet, video game addiction can be a real problem to...

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