Young child holding stack of books and back to school written on



1. Try to get your back to school shopping done early!  Do not wait until the last minute to get all of your shopping completed, as this adds additional stress for children.  While it may be okay to pick up an item or two last minute, do not wait to get the bulk of the shopping done.

2. Prepare children well in advance of their potential schedule change for the start of school.  A week or two in advance is a great time to start discussing the changes that will occur in their schedule and how it will affect them.

3. Make checklists of the “countdown” for back to school and what needs to be done around the house before school starts.

4. Have a “back to school” party at home which includes organizing, cleaning, and a special meal to celebrate.

5. If your child is anxious about going back to school, have a discussion about what concerns them about going to school — are they nervous about meeting new students? the amount of schoolwork? the teachers?  Reassure them that it is normal to have the jitters about the first day of school.

Have a great 2014-2015 school year!