Work And Life Balance

For most people parenting is a full time job, but I would caution you to make sure that you find a healthy balance in taking care of your kids and taking care of yourself. There is a saying that “You can’t give from an empty cup” and too often parents sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children not realizing that they are actually doing a disservice not just to themselves, but also to their kids.

Have you ever noticed how when you haven’t gotten enough sleep or have simply spent too much time doing stuff for others you are cranky? You tend to snap more and your nerves are on edge and you find yourself overreacting to things that normally wouldn’t bother you that much? If these scenarios sound like you, it’s probably time for a break. There is no shame in needing a break. Perhaps you just need your spouse to take the kids for a couple of hours while you take some you time. Or maybe you need to hire a sitter so that you and your spouse can have a dinner that doesn’t revolve around baby talk or discussions of kids stuff.

Taking care of you first is a choice. Once you make the choice then you need to develop an action plan to make it a reality. For some parents they find balance by creating charts for when they will have the kids and when someone else will care for the kids. Others simply make a point to spend 30 minutes to an hour daily when the kids are asleep doing stuff for themselves. Whether this is a time for meditating, working out, a massage or just watching a show without anyone around, little things like this can make a world of difference.

When we are in a good place mentally we are better able to handle the daily challenges that life gives us. Strive to get enough sleep, eat healthy, get some physical activity and take timeouts for you when you need them. I promise that when you are taken care of first you will have so much more to give to others.