Adhd Word On Magnifying Glass And Human Brain

Nobody likes to think that their child could have any kind of disorder be it learning, behavior or some other disorder. Still, disorders do exist and one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood is Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is so common in fact, that according to the CDC “approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011.” Even more children have yet to be diagnosed. How can you tell if your child has ADHD? Here are just a few of the symptoms:

  • Excessive forgetfulness
  • Constant daydreaming
  • The inability to sit still- constant squirming/fidgeting
  • Talking too much and being disruptive in class
  • Excessive fighting with other children

It’s important to note that in many cases a child is simply very easily excited or incredibly creative. However, there is a level to the aforementioned symptoms where they get so out of hand that it becomes a red flag that the child has ADHD.

For the most part there is still no concrete evidence as to exactly what causes one child to have ADHD and another not to. Some scientists and doctors believe it’s related to genetics where as other feel it could be attributed to an injury or factors during pregnancy. Regardless of what causes a child to develop ADHD the treatment for the disorder are typically therapy, medication or sometimes a combination of both.

Although many children outgrow the disorder, ADHD often lasts into adulthood. There are simple assessments that can be done to determine if a child or adult had ADHD.

If you think you or your child may have ADHD and would like to have an assessment, please call Hammond Psychology & Associates, P.A. at (813) 567-3253 and we’ll set up a consultation for you.