If you are like most people around this time of year, you are feeling a bit stressed with the holidays. Here are 4 quick tips to de-stress around the holidays:

1. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. Don’t have time? Do it right now as you are reading this article. Pay attention to your breathing and change it to calm, slow breaths. Research has shown time and time again that deep breathing decreases the body’s stress response.

2. Stop worrying about the “perfect” holiday dinner. Instead, focus on spending precious time with your family and/or friends. Who cares if the holiday cookies come out a little crispy, the dog knocks over the egg nog, or you forget to buy an ingredient for a special recipe? Focus on what matters most!

3. Give yourself permission to relax. How do you relax when you have so much to do?? Remember some of relaxation is actually a mindset. That’s right — you can be in the most stressful situation, but if you tell yourself to relax, your brain begins to send a signal to your body to calm down.

4. Remember the power of giving. When you give this season, whether it can be with your money, your time, or your talent, remember most importantly to give with your heart. It is true for most people that giving “just feels good,” so give freely in the way that you are able and watch your stress level decrease.

Happy holidays!