Little Girl Suffering Bullying

With our kids heading back to school this month one topic on the minds of many parents is bullying. No one wants to think about their child being bullied, but alas it is a reality we must prepare our children for. Here are a few things you can do to bully-proof your children:

First, talk about it. The first step in preparing our kids for the possibilities of bullying is to discuss it with them. Tell them about times you dealt with bullying when you were in school and how you felt about it. Sometimes just letting your child know that they are not alone when it comes to bullies makes them feel like its okay to talk about it. If they do mention bullying let them know you are proud of them for telling you what’s going on because there is nothing worse than a child suffering in silence.

Boost their self confidence. For some kids just knowing their own self worth helps them to mentally combat bullying. It’s easier to shrug it off if they have a strong foundation for their own self esteem. Model your own confidence by not talking badly about yourself and by showing you believe you matter.

Remind them that this too shall pass. Grade school is not forever. Help your children look forward to the future and the possibilities the future holds. Ask them what they want to be when they grow up and then help them break down those goals into actual tasks they can achieve to make those goals into realities. Every task they accomplish will not only further boost their confidence, it will also remind them that the going through school is merely a series of steps they have to complete to get one step closer to their goals.

Other things you can do to bully-proof your kids include: Removing the bait that encourages bullying such as sending your kids to school with the latest gadgets or fancy clothes may help for a while. Encouraging your kids to take up extracurricular activities can assist them in finding groups they can get along with. Enrolling them in self defense classes can sometimes help too because just feeling they could defend themselves if necessary is all that is needed to keep a kid from feeling bullied.

Need further assistance in helping your kids deal with bullying? Call Hammond Psychology & Associates, P.A. at (813) 654-0503.