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Recently, we posted on our blog about the importance of encouraging our kids to be healthy. This week, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about why you need to improve your own health and well being too!

Only you can take care of you – When it comes to our kids we are there to gently push them towards the path of good health, but for us we’re on our own. We must take a stand for our own health because if we don’t no one else will.

You need to be healthy to take care of your kids – You’re not able to help anyone if you are not well. Your body, mind and spirit needs to be healthy so that you can give more to yourself and to those around you.

It’s about more than diet and exercise – You already know that you should be eating healthier meals, drinking more water, doing more physical activity and getting more sleep each night. In the words of our kid’s G. I. Joe toys, “Knowing is half the battle,” the other half is taking action! Thinking about it and knowing what to do won’t give you any results. You have to make your mind up to do something about your health and then follow through on it.

Make getting healthy a family affair – Going it alone is so much harder than doing it with someone. If you’re already having your kids do daily fitness activities do some with them. Get your significant other involved too. By everyone getting on the health train it will be easier to help boost each other up and motivate each other along.

Think about why you want to be healthy – If you want to lose weight to look like your favorite model or actress you will be more likely to fail. You need to go deeper than that. Think about what being healthier will mean for you and your family. You will be around longer to see your kids grow up and possibly even long enough to see them have kids of their own. You’ll be able to play more with them instead of your energy being zapped all the time. Plus, you will get to enjoy an overall better quality of life.

Here’s to your health!